Pray for His Majesty’s good health, long life and everlasting peace and prosperity of the people of Bhutan
His Eminence Khentrul Thokmeth Rinpoche, Trulku Ugyen Sherub Yoezer, Trulku Thubten Tenpei Seljed, Khenpos, Lama, Lopens and monks of Dongak Kunzang Choeling Monastery in Serzhong Gelephu and nuns of Ngajur Shedrup Choeling Nunnery performed smoke offerings, recited Lungta, long life prayers, offered butter lamps and Zhabten to commemorate birth anniversary of His Majesty The King. We offer our solemn prayers for His Majesty’s good health, long life and ever lasting peace and prosperity.
Long Live Your Majesty la.