Oṃ svasti! To Buddha Shakyamuni, the saviour of beings and the king of the Shakya clan, The Lake-Born Buddha from Oddiyana who is the essence of all the buddhas.
And the emanated teachers, the crown ornaments of the teachings and beings,
I offer you respect from my three doors with wholehearted faith.
In all the limitless places of the world, with the auspicious occurrence of excellent merits and the harmonious activity and aspirational prayers of the disciples, the precious teachings of the Buddha are rising and continue to arise, along with the sublime teachers who have come and continue to come into the world with the intention to help beings. As a result, all beings are enjoying the teachings with satisfaction according to their own wishes. In particular, the following is a short elucidation of the deeds of Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche called The Pearl Garland.
The First Incarnation, Gawé Shenyen Rigzang, and His Deeds
The First Deed: His Birthplace and Parents
His Eminence Gawé Shenyen Rigzang was born amidst auspicious signs to father Dorji Wangdi and mother Sangay Dolma in the year 1897 in Chumay Nangar, Bumthang, Bhutan.
The Second Deed: Approaching and Studying Buddhism
H.E. Gawé Shenyen Rigzang enrolled in Trongsa Choetse Dratshang at the age of ten and received a traditional monastic education consisting of ritual dance, mandala drawing, chanting ritual melodies,playing ritual instruments, making ritual offering cakes, reading and writing, various elements of grammar, and so forth.
The Third Deed: Studying in the Kham Region of Eastern Tibet
In 1917, when H.E. Gawé Shenyen Rigzang was twenty, owing to a prophecy and aspirational prayers from his past lives, Gongar Ugyen Wangchuk, the first king of Bhutan, advised him to go to the monastery of Dzogchen Shri Singha—one of the six mother monasteries of the Nyingma tradition in Tibet. After arriving there he met with Khenchen Shenga and received the full monastic ordination vows. He completed all his Buddhist studies in nine years, which included grammar, sutra and tantra, Buddhist logic and epistemology, astrology and ritual practices. Moreover he honoured Trulku Thubten Chokay Dorji—the 5th incarnation of Dzogchen Pema Rigzin—as his root guru. He also received empowerments, transmissions and teachings, including Dzogchen practices and pith instructions, from various other learned masters. After learning Tibetan medicine from Ani Thubten for three years, he served as a doctor caring for sick monks and locals in Tibet. In this way, he stayed for almost thirteen years in Tibet.
The Fourth Deed: Serving the Teachings and Beings Again in Bhutan
When H.E. Gawé Shenyen Rigzang returned to Bhutan in 1931, though the first king had passed away, His Majesty Jigme Wangchuk—the second king of Bhutan—with his great compassion gave him whatever assistance he needed and asked him to enter three-year retreats at Tafi Gompa and Palpung Gompa in Trongsa and Lugra Gompa in Bumthang. In his third three-year retreat, he showed many signs of realisationand came to be highly respected by others.Since he solely endeavoured in the teachings and practices, many disciples followed him. His chief disciples wereDorji Lopen Kado from Punthang Zhung Dratshang, and others like Nadog, Pasang, and Namgyel,who each became great masters. As prophesied by H.H. the 16 th Gyalwang Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, in 1951 he became the tutor of Banchen Khenpo’s yangsi, the root guru of Ashi Wangmo, who was a sister of the second king of Bhutan, at Kortoe Takmo Chu.
The Fifth Deed: His Dharma Friends While Traveling to Tibet
Some lamas, like Zhudagpa Tenpa Gyeltshen, Haa-thruk Pasang, Gyeltshen from Punthang Dratshang, Geshe Pema Tshering, the former incarnation of presnt 70 th Je Khenpo Tulku Jigme Chodra, Rinchen Dorji, and Kalzang from Tongsa Choetse Dratshang travelled with Gawé Shenyen Rigzang to Tibet under the command of the first king of Bhutan. After returning to Bhutan, he served in various monasteries like Tharpaling through teaching and practice which is beyond our ordinary thought. His Yangsi Rinpoche (precious reincarnation) is now serving for the benefit of the Buddhadharma and beings.
The Sixth Deed: Entering into Mahaparinirvana
H.E.Gawé Shenyen Rigzang passed away into mahaparinirvana at the age of seventy at Kortoe Takmo Chu in 1967, on the 15 th day of the frist miraculous month, producing the significant sign of white and red bodhichitta fluid emerging from his nostrils. Moreover, his body remained in meditative equipoise for twenty-one days. A cremation was performed at Kuji Lhakhang in Bumthang according to Ashi Wangmo’s advice. The public observed a rainbow in the sky during the cremation ceremony. Tears rolled down the cheeks of devoted disciples, who made fervent aspirations for the swift appearance of his reincarnation.
The Second Incarnation, Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche, and His Deeds
The First Deed: His Birthplace and His Parents
Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche was born with many auspicious signs to father Talipa and mother Sangay Wangmo in the Male Dog year, 1970, at Kheng Golayin Zhemgang, Bhutan.
The Second Deed: Recognition as the Unmistaken Incarnation
At around age six, Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche awakened his nature and recollected the experiences of his former life. He recalled the names of his former parents and siblings, recognized his belongings and detailed his former life story spontaneously. During that time his own disciple Lama Therchung Rinpoche visited the late Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and clearly reported the aforementioned stories. After hearing the stories, the child was recognized as the unmistaken incarnation of Gawé Sheynen Rigzang. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse offered a white scarf as a sign of auspicious occurrence, as well as a statue of Guru Rinpoche;a sutra of Amitayus;a stupa of enlightenment; a vase; a vajra, and a bell, a ritual dragger and an amrita container to represent enlightened body, speech, mind, qualities and activity respectively. He also gave a certificate of recognition.
The Third Deed: Enthronement, Studies and Service in the Dratshang
At the age of seven, Lama Tharchung Rinpoche invited Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche to his Dratshang and enthroned him in a grand ceremony amidst thousands of lamas, tulkus, monks, nuns, government officials and members of the general public. After that he engaged in learning the subjects of monastic education like reading and writing, grammar, playing the conch and ritual trumpet, making ritual cakes and ornaments, and the three skills of ritual dance, mandala drawing and melodious chanting, until the age of 20. Later he served in the capacity of supervisor, treasurer, secretary, school teacher, and so forth, as an ordinary monk
The Fourth Deed: Learning Astrology at the Tshangkha Shedra
At the age of twenty-one, Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche studied astrology, grammar, poetry, prajnaparamita, madhyamika, pramana and abhidharma for three years under Lama Norbu Wangchuk—the lama who introduced Bhutanese astrology—at Tshangha Shedra in Trongsa.
The Fifth Deed: Studying at theNgagyur Nyingma Institute
Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche studied all the subjects of the sutras and tantras, including grammar, from Kyabje Pema Norbu Rinpoche’s khenpos and lopens at theNgagyur Nyingma Institute for ten years (age 23–32) and received all the certificates of completion, along with awards and praise. In 1994, he received full ordination from Kyabje Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, amidst hundreds of bhikshus in Bodhgaya, and received the bhikshu name Thubten Yeshi Dorji. He also received transmission and teachings of the Namchӧ Ngondro, Phowa, Tsalung, and Dzogchen (the Namchӧ preliminary, consciousness transference, wind channel, and great perfection practices) from Kyabje Penor Rinpoche, during his winter vacations.

The Sixth Deed: Receiving Other Empowerments, Transmissions and Teachings from Various Great Lamas

Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche received empowerments, transmissions and teachings of the Kangyur, Ngagyur Kama and Terma, Four-Fold Essence, Three Root Deities, Paling teaching, Jangter and Namchӧ from masters such as Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Dodrup Rinpoche, Kyabje Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche,Kyabje Minling Trichen Rinpoche, Kyabje Jadrel Rinpoche, and Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche. He also received teachings and transmissions from H.H. the 14 th Dalai Lama, H.H.Karmap Rangjung RIgpe Dorje, H.H.Sakya Trizin and others. Signs of accomplishment appeared duing his three-year retreat.
The Seventh Deed: Visiting Taiwan and Other Countries for the Benefit of the Teachings and Beings

Since Kyabje Penor Rinpoche had mentioned that the people of Taiwan have a natural interest towards learning and practicing Dharma, Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche taught them the teachings of refuge, the four mind trainings, the preliminary practices, and five hundred thousand accumulation practices. Hence, he served the Dharma through bestowing empowerments and transmissions according to their faith and devotion. And, in order to benefit beings, serve his monks, and carry out the renovation work of monasteries in his home country, Bhutan, in 2005 he established three Dharma centres including the Ngagyur Shaydrub Choeling Dharma Centre in the capital city of Taiwan according to the unmistaken prophesy of vajra speech for future beings.
Furthermore, he imparted Dharma teachings in other countries like Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and New Zealand.
The Eighth Deed: Restoring the Serzong Dratshang in Gelephu
Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche raised a substantial amount of funds from his Taiwanese disciples, who were connected with past aspiration prayers, and used them entirely to renovate the Serzong Dongang Kunzang Choling Dratshang. He also built new residences for the monks, as well as eight Sugata stupas and an old age home, and he provided the necessities for the monks’ livelihood and arranged for teachers, including for the English language. In this way he enriched the knowledge and practices of the sangha.
The Ninth Deed: Restoring the Tashiphu Nunnery in Gelephu, Bhutan
Tashiphu Ngagyur Shedrub Choling Nunnery’s main temple was renovated both outside and inside, a new residence was built, and the necessities for the nuns’ livelihood and the appointing of teachers, including for the English language, were provided for. In this way Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche enriched the knowledge and practices of the nuns too.
The Tenth Deed: Restoring the Goling Temple in Bhutan
The main temple in Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche’s village of Kheng Goling, in Zhamgang, Bhutan, was deteriorating with the passage of time. As such, the people of this village requested him to help renovate it. As requested, he started the temple renovation work, including the restoration of its sacred objects and the lama’s residence, which had been initially built by some fortunate villagers. He worked sincerely and diligently for the benefit of the teachings and beings.
The Eleventh Deed: Constructing the Main Temple in Paro
The main temple in Paro, which is the winter residence for his sangha, is currently being renovated. It includes residences for khenpos, lopens and monks. In short, Khentrul Dorje Thokmeth Rinpoche is doing his best, according to his ability and the means available, to construct the main temple, residences, a new retreat centre, and so forth. Overall, he is engaged in various enlightened activities for the perpetual benefit of future beings.
Khentrul Thokmeth Rinpoche
Khentrul Thokmeth Rinpoche was born in Kheng Goling, Bhutan in 1970, to Tali Pa as his father and Sangay Wangmo as his mother. When Rinpoche was born, there were many auspicious signs.
At the age of 6, Rinpoche started to utter what he has gone through in his past life, including names of relatives; he appeared to have a clear memory of his past life. One day, a disciple of his from his past life, Lop Ther Chung Rinpoche took him to HH Dielgo Khentshe Rinpoche and proved these incidents to HH.
Subsequently, HH Dielgo Khentshe Rinpoche has recognized Rinpoche to be the reincarnation of Geshe Rikzang Rinpoche and presented him a white khata that represented auspicious and fulfillment. HH had also presented him the representations of body, speech, mind, quality and activity so that in the future, his activity of benefiting the sentient beings may be fulfilled. Body — a statue of Guru Rinpoche, speech —a long life sadhana, mind —a stupa, quality and activity — a treasure vase, a bell, a phurpa, two kapalas and a testimonial certificate.
At the age of seven, he was enthroned in the monastery by his disciple from his past life, Khenpo Ther Chung Rinpoche. Many were present; among them were Rinpoches, bikshu, bikshuni, lay people and officers of the government.
From 7 to 20, Rinpoche learned the alphabet, dharma grammar, sutras, commentaries, worldly dharma like making tormas, playing instruments, mudra, vajra dance etc. After he completed his study, he stayed on to serve as a teacher, treasurer and other posts, all of which he had shown perfect responsibility.
From 20 to 23, Rinpoche has been studying at Tongsa Tsangkha Institude under the supervision of Lop Nurbu Wangchuk Rinpoche. The subjects of his study included commentary canons, sutras, Madyamika, debate and also astrology. From the age of 23 to 32, for almost ten years, Rinpoche stayed in southern India at the Namdroling Monastery of HH Penor Rinpoche, studying sutras, commentary canons, Madyamika, Maha Prajna sutra and received the Namchoe, preliminary, 5 Foundations, tzalung, Zhogchen, oral transmission, empowerments and teachings from HH Penor Rinpoche. And Rinpoche has completed all of the subjects mentioned above.
In 1994, HH Penor Rinpoche and HH Taklung Tshetul Rinpoche including their khenpos and a hundred more of lamas were at Bodhgaya where the Bhuddha attained enlightenment. It was then that Rinpoche took his bikshu precepts. He got the name Thubten Yeshey Namgel , and learned empowerments, oral transmissions which he practices to the completion.
After that, Rinpoche has received many empowerments, oral transmissions, zhogchen empowerments, oral transmissions and practices fromHH Dalai Lama, HH Menling Techen Rinpoche,HH Sakya Tenchen Rinpoche, HH Jadrel Rinpoche, Yulchu Khen Rinpoche. He also received Pema Lingpa Rinzin Terzhuo empowerment, oral transmission and practices from HH Penor Rinpoche, HH Delgo Khentshe Rinpoche,HH Dodrup Chen Rinpoche and HH Taklung Tshetul Rinpoche.
In order to practice the above mentioned practices he got, Rinpoche has been retreating for three years and three months. Upon the end of his retreat, host of his disciples have seen rainbow and nectar in the sky.
In 2005, His Root Guru, HH Penor Rinpoche has instructed him to come to Taiwan thinking that Taiwan is a Bhuddhist country; Taiwanese have faith in the Bhuddhism and respect monks and lamas. Many of the people there are inquisitive towards Buddha Dharma, and are eager to learn, contemplate or even practice the Buddha Dharma due to their past virtuous connections. There has been a great need of qualified Gurus along with the situation; therefore HH Penor Rinpoche has requested Rinpoche to go to Taiwan even for temporary in order to teach those who take much interest in Buddhism starting from the basic dharma: The rarity of the human body, the impermanent of life, existence of cause and result, defects of samsara, and the merit of liberation, to the profound Zhogchen teaching. HH hopes that Rinpoche will teach everything he knows about the Buddha Dharma to his disciple so that the Buddha Dharma will shine like the sun all over Taiwan.
We pray for the peace of Taiwan, and also the world; let there be without disease and obstacles, disaster, war. May all sentient beings attain enlightenment and buddhahood; may Rinpoche be able to spread the Dharma widely over the earth.
People who have faith in the Dharma, regardless of their age and gender are welcome to discover the Buddha Dharma within their hearts.
Sarwa Manggalam!!