Annual Exam Result Declaration
Annual Exam Result Declaration and prices distribution to the class toppers of the academic year 2022, presided by His Eminence Khentrul Thokmeth Rinpoche at Serzhong Monastery, Gelephu.
His Eminence also extended appreciation and awarded prices to monk in-charges of the academic year 2022 for their dedication and sincerity in serving the monastery. And congratulated the newly appointed in-charges of monks for the year 2023 and gave valuable advices to all the monks and nuns gathered. As it marks the beginning of the new academic year, we wish the newly appointed in-charges a very best of luck and may you all fulfill the responsibilities with utmost deduction and sincerity in serving our sangha and monastery.
Leadership is more than the title, it’s a commitment to serve and make things better for our sangha community.